As is always the case with Facebook, the part of the screen that wasn't involved with the game was cluttered with ads for other products and games. I noticed these at first when were engaged, on my page it was always wedding stuff and on his page there was always ads for engagements rings etc. I thought nothing of it. However since the wedding he has obviously changed his status to "Married". Now, one would think that Facebook would then change the genre of the ads to be more applicable to a married man.... well they did change the ads. Ads which made me so mad that I nearly turned the computer off.
That''s right since changing his status to married, my husband has been bombarded with game advertisements that use women in lingerie and swimwear (regardless of what the game is about), and advertisements for dating websites!!!!!! Even as I am writing this I am shaking with anger!!
What is going through the advertisers minds???? What now that he is married it is suddenly "Ok" to bombard him with sexual images and "other options"??? The advertising I can almost understand, everyone else is using sex, why shouldn't they? By why advertise a DATING site to a married man??? Why provide that temptation??? Why do they think it is ok?????
Thankfully God has blessed me with a man who, most of the time is completely clueless to advertising and didn't even notice these ads until I pointed them out to him. But I feel with a very deep pain for those women whose husbands have noticed these ads and have been tempted to either look for more sexually provocative images or to pursue the option of online dating, both options I class as cheating, no matter how you look at it. I am truly disgusted and intend to do something about it, I ask that anyone who reads this does the same and ask Facebook to remove these ads from their pages altogether!
I think about the rate of adultery and divorce and the amount of affairs that happen in our world today and think, no wonder... if its seems to be advertised as ok, then no wonder...
To add to my point, and to clarify that men are not the only ones to blame or at risk here, I will tell of something that happened just before Christmas.
Husband and I were at a work Christmas function and were standing listening to a conversation between some of his workmates. The conversation included us,a newly engaged woman, a married woman (whose husband was at home looking after their 5yr-old child) and a recently divorced woman (as a result of an affair). The conversation was regarding what people were intending on doing after the party. We were going home but the others were choosing which bar to hit. After a short discussion they made their choice, based on the fact that this particular bar always had good-looking bartenders and men as customers. I'm talking about an engaged woman and a married woman, making their choice because there were more men to go look at. Their reasoning, "We're only looking...." but what next?? What will be the next excuse?? "It was only a kiss??", "We're just calling each other late at night, my husband doesn't need to know." I was disgusted!! "Only looking" is never that! Looking leads to lusting and if you allow yourself that then you may as well have acted on it, because in you heart you already have! Only looking is dangerous and is just and unfaithful as a man "only looking" at those pictures on the Internet. If you doubt my reasoning go out and see for yourself the lust in the eyes of the women as they "look" at other men.
I will finish with the words from a VERY good song by Casting Crowns called "Slow Fade"
Be careful little eyes what you see
Its the second glance that ties your hands as darkness pulls the strings
Be careful little feet where you go
For its the little feet behind you that are sure to follow
Its a slow fade, when you give youself away
Its a slow fade, when black and white has tunrned to grey
Thoughts invade, choices are made, a price will be paid
When you give yourself away
People never crumble in a day
Its a slow fade, its a slow fade
Be careful little ears what you hear
When flattery leads to compromise, the end is always near
Be careful little lips what you say
For empty words and promises lead broken hearts astray
Its a slow fade, when you give yourself away
Its a slow fade when black and white has turned to grey
Thougths invade, choices are made, a price will be paid
When you give yourself away
People never crumble in a day
Its a slow fade, its a slow fade
The journey from you mind into your hands
Is souter than your thinking
Be careful wher eyou think you stand
You just might be sinking
Its a slow fade, when you give yourself away
Its a slow fade, when black and white has turned to grey
Thoughts invade, choice are made, a price will be paid
When you give yourself away
People never crumble in a day
Daddies never crubmble in a day
Famlies never crumble in a day