1. Well everyone knows this about me.... SHOES!!! any kind of shoe really but my collection of high heels is amazing and am only missing 2 out of the entire colour spectrum! I love my shoes, I love how they simply complete an outfit, how they are always the perfect accessory to any outfit and (particularly high heels) I love how they make my feet and legs look!

2. Every woman needs at least 2 pairs of Lorelai jeans.... I can't leave the house without them. What do I mean by Lorelai jeans??? For those of you who have seen Gilmore Girls you will be a step ahead of everyone else. Lorelai is the main character of this particular show, and no matter what, if she is wearing jeans they look FANTASTIC on her, match hr body type and whatever clothing she may be wearing perfectly and just look so darn good and comfy and the way jeans are meant to look. I currently have 2 and am working on fitting back into my 3rd pair, every woman needs one at least!

3.Classic shirts. By this I mean your plain singlet top or polo shirt of well fitting T-shirt, something that you can wear with about 3 other things in your wardrobe, work well for layering or is simply comfortable to wear on its own. A wardrobe must have and something I'm running low on..... must go shopping....

4. A handbag that matches just about everything you own, or if it doesn't match makes a fashion statement all of its own. For me this is the Oroton handbag that Phil got me while we were on our honeymoon. It brown tones go well with most of my wardrobe, and if it doesn't match completely.... c'mon people its an Oroton bag that is the absolute prefect size!! You can't hold that against me!!

5. My diamond earrings. Phil got these for me for my birthday the first birthday we had together. They totally knocked my socks off, are big and gorgeous and REAL and I wear them EVERYWHERE!!!! They just seem to go with everything, even when I am wearing gold jewellery. And, of course, they make me look fabulously wealthy!!! lol it has actually gotten to the point where my face doesn't look right without them!
So there you have it. 5 things I can't live without. Now if I could remember how to tag people then I would tag Ansia here, but seeing as how she is the only person who actually reads my blogs, she should get the message anyway!!