I am a very proud auntie. I am always ready with a huge stash of cute stories about my adorable nephews and nieces and will always rather show you photos of them than show you photos of any of the numerous weddings that I have been to lately!
I live about 2000km away from these little bundles of joy which is why I take every opportunity to come visit them. Extended mid-year holidays is just such an opportunity! So after a very brief visit to Adelaide I hauled myself and my 25kg suitcase stuffed with jumpers (turns outs I'm actually using them all!) onto a train and huddled down reading The Chronicles of Narnia (thanks Sarah!) for the next 4 hours!
Since arriving I have already fallen into a routine of being jumped on by little people (Mr. T and Miss. A) in the morning until they get a response out of me (usually a grunt followed by pulling the covers over my head). I eventually give in and rise and we read a story together. Finally my sister (Ansia) will emerge and I will get a brief moment with Miss A. Jr. while Ansia tries to convince the others that they should get out of their pajamas.

Lately it has been seriously miserable weather (coming from the tropics however, I'm loving it!) and it has meant that we have to stay inside a lot. Today was no exception but we soon discovered how fun a couch and a blanket can be! Mr. T and Miss. A thought it would be fun to lay down under the blanket that is acting as a couch protector and soon got me involved in the game. A moment like this could not be passed up by my sister and we ended up taking about 10 photos of the occasion!
Miss A. Jr is now the ripe old age of 4 months old, yet her brother and sister adore her and is as inquisitive about her as the day that she came home from the hospital. It is very rare to have a moment of peace and quiet of holding her without the other 2 buzzing around wanting to have a "little look"! I was having said rare moment when the munchkins raced in and plonked themselves on the couch next to me, not wanting my attention but instead doing all that they could to get Miss. A giggling. Once again the camera was whipped out and the next 10 minutes was spent smiling up at the camera trying to get everyone to look at the camera at the same time! This is the best we could do!

Another game involved Mr. T taking my hand and dragging me off the couch which I was attempting to have an afternoon nap on. This led to much tickling and giggling and squealing and resulted in the creative little creature pulling off my ugg boots and blowing raspberries on my extremely ticklish feet. Towards the end my sister wondered who was having more fun, me or Mr. T?
Needless to say, after all my fun of the first few days here I have given up on the idea of sleeping in and afternoon naps!
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