As I mentioned in my previous blog my single streak finished when I met a wonderful man called Philip. I also promised in my previous blog that I would share a bit of our story, so here it is.....

March 2008 - As was usually my tradition I went to visit our sister church after my usual night church service finished as this is there church where all of my friends from uni go. On this particular night I noticed straight away that there was a new person at the church that I had never seen before but was not able to see him clearly. After a few minutes I noticed that this 'stranger' seemed to know a lot of people in the church and was slowly making his way in the same direction as me. As i stood chatting and giggling with one of my best friends I also noticed that he was getting along really well with her husband. It was also at this time that I got a good enough look at him, and needless to say, liked what I saw. We eventually ended up having a conversation that lasted from about 8pm through till 1am, we couldn't shut up and no one else seemed to exist for the rest of the night. I was away on prac at this time but managed to see him at church and around the place when I came back on weekend visits.
July 2008 - Seeing each other on weekends became a regular thing when my prac finished and for almost 2 months we managed to hang out almost every weekend, spending a lot of time drinking coffee after church, going for walks, hanging out in groups etc.
August 27th 2008 - A message from me asking "what is going on" finally spurred us on to make our relationship official, much to the relief of those around us who were left wondering and hoping that we would get our act together.
January 2009 - Today we are still very happy together and find great joy in sickening everyone around us by pretending to whisper sweet nothings to each other and giving each other long meaningful looks and giggles. Its all very fun.

We both enjoy coffee and cooking and music so a lot of the time that we spend together involves one or more of them. Ours is a very normal relationship in that we don't rely on romantic gestures or constant action or excitement to keep us going. In fact, for us, the best times together have just been cooking dinner together, cleaning his room together or having a simple conversation over a cup of coffee. OK over my cup of coffee cos his is always finished within the first 2 minutes!
On top of all this he keeps finding new ways to make me smile or laugh, its like he made it his mission to brighten every day. Sometimes this is through simple things like putting a pretty pattern in the crema of my coffee, giving me a shoulder rub or turning off the computer game as soon as I get there. However, every now and then, when I least expect it he will do something big and imaginative and so romantic that I can't help but grin for days afterward. For example....
A horse-drawn carriage ride through the streets of Melbourne after a trip where he met my whole family

A surprise picnic with all my favourite foods to celebrate my last day of university
Breakfast, a road trip and a picnic lunch to celebrate my birthdayDespite coming from families that speak different languages and have fairly different dynamics our core values and principles are the same. It is hard to explain but it still gets me how two different people can just work together the way that we do. I have used the term "we just clicked" before but in this case I swear the "click" was hear by everyone around us, we just fit so well together. He makes me very happy and I would like to think, I hope with a sincere heart, that I make him feel the same and that I am able to do as much for him as he has done for me.

A friend once commented that since our relationship started I have had a distinct glow, I wonder... do I still glow that way??
What a lovely array of...? love? You got it bad (or good in your case)... I remember that Hungry Jacks night when I turned to Jako (after being kicked out on closing) that those 2 will go far together- and almost a year on we see it continuing :D
Just for the record: You guys make me sick!!
nobody celebrated my graduation :( Lol. Ok no not quite, the family & Andre went out for lunch afterwards :P
Oh and I'm sure you'll get past the "making everyone sick" stage eventually haha.
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