Monday, June 9, 2008


I'm sitting here, its far too late to still be awake and I'm thinking about what I could talk about and I'm getting absolutely nowhere!
Of course I have my options but I don't particularly feel like talking about any of these topics! I could talk about the injustice of making university students who don't have an income pay for going on prac. Or I could talk about the large amount of terrible drivers that I have encountered in the past 6 or so months, but that would be complaining and whining and I'm trying to do less of that these days. Then again I could talk about my friends and my family, how much i have missed them abd how much I love them and the love that they have shown me. Or I could talkk about home, but these are all emotional topics and could end up making me sound like a complete hippy and a sap or could just send me to tears, in which case the blog would never be finished!
Instead I am going to outline a few things that I have learnt recently. Some of these things I already knew and other things came unexpectedly but all of them have one thing in common, I learnt them the hard way:
  • There is no point in feeling like you are losing control of your life because the control was never yours to begin with
  • If you want others to love you as you are you have to love yourself as you are
  • God has the ultimate control, He is Sovreign and He knows what He is doing
  • Trusting and having faith in God is something that has to be worked on everyday
  • Trusting and having faith in God isn't always easy, in fact, at times it will feel like its easier to simply panic
  • Praying does work!
  • It isn't easy to be a Christian
  • It isn't easy to be a uni student
  • It isn't easy to be a Christian uni student
  • You have to work at finding joy in the little things in life
  • Joy is not the same thing as happiness but it does help it along
  • Once you've found joy your job isn't over
  • When you've found joy you can survive anything
  • When you have faith in God, you have found joy
  • When you have faith in God you can do anything
  • God gives better bear hugs than any created man ever could
  • God's hugs DO solve the problem
  • Through the strength and joy that can only come from God life really isn't that hard

Hopefully one day I will find the words to explain everything that I have just said but for now that is as much as my mind can do.

God bless

1 comment:

marli said...

Hey there!!
It took me awhile to find you (and an SMS). I had forgotten that hobbit actually did have a double b. Although I dad discover that I can register a blogspot that is called hadzethehobit!!!
Anyway just wanted you to know that I am going to check this this regulary and I do expect to read something next every time. (Now the pressure is on!)

Catch up soon.

PS: When do you go home?